Thursday 2 January 2014

Across the Universe Podcast: Episode 17

Episode 17: New Year 2014

SofiaMette and I welcome the awesome Stevee Taylor of Cinematic Paradox to our New Year episode in which we list down our favourite non-2013 films we saw in 2013. We also find our more about Stevee through our mini-questionnaire.

This is quite a giggly episode with a lot of witty (well, we hope) banter so you have been warned ;-)

0:21- Chick-chatter
3:40- Trailer
4:11- The Guest Questionnaire
11:14- The chicks and Stevee list each of their Top 3 non-2013 films
1:10:04- Plugs and Goodbyes

Guest's choice- Lorde "Royals"
Nik's favourite song of 2013- Arctic Monkeys "Do I Wanna Know"
Sofia's favourite song of 2013- Lonely Island "Spring Break Anthem"
Mette's favourite song of 2013- David Bowie "The Next Day"
Fiona Apple "Across The Universe"

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  1. And with that, my Thursday has been made!
    Thanks for making my return to work a little more painless.

  2. Hahahaha I just laugh at everything, I'm so embarrassing. And you guys have waaaaaaay better accents than me.

    1. Aww no you're adorable and you were probably too sleepy.
